Tuesday 21 February 2017

TV advertisement evaluation

We had been tasked to re brand an existing unilever product to a different demographic to reach a different audience. After pitching our ideas to each other and discussing how we could improve them we decided as a group to re brand Brut. The original demographic was older males who are working class so we decided to retarget it to a female audience of 16+ aiming specifically at the working class. We decided to make females the new target audience as this opens up a vast majority of the market that had previously been neglected by Brut.

We collected feedback on our finished product by receiving a class critique. Some of the feedback we received was that the advert had smooth and pleasant camera movements accompanied by a good pace with the only complaint about the editing being on the music being unenjoyable and the focus pull seeming out of place. Some of the students that we received feedback from, who also fit our adverts new target audience, had commented on how we portrayed females in the ad stating that we did it in a positive light to empower females. Based on this feedback I believe that we managed to get the main message to the new target audience successfully.

In our advertisement we used mise-en-scene well for both the dancing studio and the science lab by placing appropriate props in the scene like beakers and conical flasks as well as musical theater and dance posters. We managed to get smooth camera movements by using a dolly on a tripod, we also used focus pulls and panned for the establishing shot and thought a lot about composition. Whilst editing the shots together and playing it through we were able to find some music that went with the pace of the advert perfectly creating a calm and collected atmosphere.

I feel that our advert doesn’t really sell the product as effectively as it could although it is obviously aimed at a female audience and does get the basic message across the slow pace of the advert doesn’t hold the attention of the viewer all the way through the advert. When trying to advertise this product we used persuasion techniques that tells the audience that using Brut gives them confidence that enables them to achieve what they want to achieve and I feel as if this was pretty effective as the message was very clearly portrayed by two successful young women so that it appeals to the correct audience.

Overall I believe that the advert is fit for purpose as it looks professional and complies with advertising regulations below you can see some of the general rules and when applying it to our advert you can clearly see we do not infringe:
3.1 Advertisements must not materially mislead or be likely to do so. 3.2 Advertisements must not mislead consumers by omitting material information. They must not mislead by hiding material information or presenting it in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner. Material information is information that consumers need in context to make informed decisions about whether or how to buy a product or service. Whether the omission or presentation of material information is likely to mislead consumers depends on the context, the medium and, if the medium of the advertisement is constrained by time or space, the measures that the advertiser takes to make that information available to consumers by other means.

The final advert is quite different to what we had planned. Originally, we were going to have four actresses doing different activities, such as having one dancing, one doing sports, one to do with science and another to do with theater. However, we ended up with only two actresses, meaning that we had to reduce the roles that we showed. Despite this setback, we were complimented as we did not use sex appeal to sell the product but the influence of powerful and successful women.

Overall, I am satisfied with the advert, but if I was going to do it again, then I would make sure to stick to the original plan and story board I would also make sure that all talents are booked so that the advert would apply to a larger audience. While I was absent for a lot of the lessons, I helped with the pre-production work, such as the prop list and storyboards as well as the rough script. When it came to editing, I gave my input and edited part of the advert too. helping with cutting and piecing together the advert and color correcting some of the shots which helped make it flow smoother.

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